Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah swt and the greetings of the great Prophet Muhammad saw.
Indeed, 2020 is a very challenging year for Istana Budaya. The Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world has affected the lives of communities around the world. The Malaysian government has firmly taken bold steps to curb the spread of the pandemic by implementing several phases of the Movement Control Order (PKP), Conditional Movement Control Order (PKPB) and Rehabilitation Movement Control Order (PKPB) from March 18 to August 31, 2020. This situation not only affects social movements and economic trends, but also stifles arts activities in Malaysia.
Various arts activities such as theater performances and concerts had to be postponed or canceled. It is expected that the duration of Covid-19 will continue to be prolonged. It cannot be ascertained the exact date of this Covid-19 pandemic will end and art activities can be carried out as usual. On the positive side, society is now accustomed to the New Normal in all its daily activities. Art activists are seen to have opened new spaces in marketing their art works. They, either collectively or individually, seek to optimize the usefulness of a variety of media applications in ensuring the sustainability of their artwork.
Through the initiative of MOTAC, Istana Budaya also took a new approach in developing and revitalizing art activities. Among them are online art programs, online learning (tutorials) and providing incentives to the art activists involved. Continuous promotion of the use of virtual interactive mediums, is expected to become a new norm in the performing arts.
Therefore, Istana Budaya is confident that with the cooperation of all parties, whether organizers, art activists, activists or art audiences, will work together to increase the prestige of performing arts in Malaysia.
In shaa Allah, Istana Budaya will definitely return to color the performing arts scene in the country.
Thank you, peace be upon you.
Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni Dan Budaya Malaysia
Jalan Tun Razak,
50694 Kuala Lumpur